Prospectus for Sir Galahad: A Christmas Mystery by William Morris,
Johnson #22
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Here is the text from the prospectus:
SIR GALAHAD, A CHRISTMAS MYSTERY, BY WILLIAM MORRIS. TO BE ISSUED DECEMBER FIFTH.Mr. Conwell desires to announce the completion of the large folio edition of "Sir Galahad, A Christmas Mystery," by William Morris, mentioned in the last announcement as being in press for December. One hundred and eighty copies have been printed, with double title pages, borders, illustrations, and large initial letters by H. M. O'Kane. A reduced reproduction of one of the title pages (one-fourth full size) will be found on the first page of this announcement. The full size of each page is ten by thirteen and one-half inches. Large red initial letters are used for each verse, the text being printed in black letter, sustaining, typographically, somewhat of the mediaeval character of the poem, it having seemed especially appropriate to issue it in this form at this season of the year. It will be recalled that this is one of the earliest of Morris's poems, his first printed contribution to literature outside the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, and his first book, having been printed as a thin octavo volume in 1858. The price is ten dollars, or two guineas, and as the book is now ready for delivery to the subscribers, subscriptions, accompanied by cheque, should be sent at once by those desiring the volume whose names are not included among Mr. Conwell's permanent subscribers. It was mentioned in the last announcement that probably full-sized specimen sheets of this book would be issued, but as it was found impracticable to post them, they have been abandoned. Announcements will be sent upon request.
Copies may still be had of the edition of Mr. Andrew Lang's translation of Aucassin and Nicolete, printed at the Elston Press last month. Announcements, with reproduction of one of the title pages by H. M. O'Kane, will be posted on request. Two hundred and forty copies, black and red, square 16mo, at three dollars, or twelve shillings, each, carriage paid, specially bound in plain boards, half holland.
Mr. Conwell desires to announce that the next book to be printed by him at the Elston Press will be the third volume in the series of Shakespearean reprints, Laurence Twine's "Patterne of Painefull Adventures," the forerunner of "Pericles, Prince of Tyre." It will probably be issued some time in February. The first volume in this series, issued last July, was Thomas Lodge's "Rosalynde," the original of "As You Like It," and it has already been pointed out that Lodge, in his turn, "borrowed," to a very large extent, from "The Tale of Gamelyn," of which the text, edited by Professor Skeat, was printed at the Elston Press last year. The second volume in the series, Robert Greene's "Pandosto," the prototype of "The Winter's Tale," was issued in October. Both of these volumes are now out of print, but an effort will be made to obtain copies for those desiring to subscribe to the entire series. During the year 1903 it is hoped to add one or two more volumes to this series, which, as already announced, "will ultimately include all of the more interesting and important of the early tales from which Shakespeare directly borrowed." Other important books are in preparation, but the number issued during the coming year will be less than in the present, and they will appear at wider intervals. The fact that the permanent subscription list is now practically filled should be noted by all intending subscribers.
1 SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE BY ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. Quarto 485 copies, $5; and 60 copies on Japanese paper, $15. OUT OF PRINT.
2 THE PHILOBIBLON OF RICHARD DE BURY. The Inglis translation of 1832. Octavo. 485 copies, at $5; and 70 copies on Japanese paper, at $15. OUT OF PRINT.
4 THE VISION OF PIERS PLOWMAN. Folio: double columns, black and red. 210 copies, $10. OUT OF PRINT.
5 THE TALE OF GAMELYN, (XIVth. Century). 16mo. 200 copies, in black and red, at $3. OUT OF PRINT.
6 THE SONNETS OF SHAKESPEARE (1609), in the original spelling. Octavo. 210 copies, $5. OUT OF PRINT.
7 THE ART AND CRAFT OF PRINTING BY WILLIAM MORRIS, with reproductions of the types used by him. Octavo. 210 copies, black and red, $5. OUT OF PRINT.
8 SOME NOTES ON EARLY WOOD-CUT BOOKS BY WILLIAM MORRIS. Octavo. With many pages of reproductions. 120 copies, black and red, at $5. OUT OF PRINT.
9 COMUS, A MASKE, BY JOHN MILTON (1637). Octavo. 160 copies, in black and red, at $5. OUT OF PRINT.
10 ENDYMION, A POETIC ROMANCE, BY JOHN KEATS, 8vo. 160 cps, black and red, at $5. OUT OF PRINT.
11 ROSALYNDE, OR EUPHUES GOLDEN LEGACIE, BY THOMAS LODGE. From the editions of 1592-98. Octavo. 160 copies, black and red, $7. OUT OF PRINT.
12 THE RAPE OF THE LOCK BY ALEXANDER POPE Octavo. 160 copies, black and red, $5. OUT OF PRINT.
13 FIVE ARTHURIAN POEMS BY WILLIAM MORRIS Octavo. 178 copies, black and red, at $5. OUT OF PRINT.
14 PANDOSTO, OR THE HISTORIE OF DORASTUS AND FAWNIA, BY ROBERT GREENE. 160 copies, in black and red, $5. The second volume of Shakespearean reprints; octavo, uniform with Rosalynde. OUT OF PRINT.